Skeptics say it’s only a story — a mere legend, not so different from a lot of other ancient God-tales. Others just ignore him.
They haven’t taken Jesus’ story seriously enough. I’m not sure even we believers have.
Skeptics tend to dabble in it. They’ll tell you about ancient myths and God-tales with plot points that sound a lot like Jesus’ life. They oversell that, of course. More important by far, though, they forget what most of us learned in school: Stories aren’t just plot points. They have dialogue, they have settings and descriptions, but above all they depend on character. And no one in any story, myth, or legend comes within miles of matching the character we see Jesus to be — right before our eyes, in the gospel accounts.
This might be the most surprising and refreshing book you’ll read this year!” — Lee Strobel
No other hero — whether of history, myth, imagination, or legend — has loved as he loved, led as he led, cared as he cared, or understood himself as Jesus understood himself.
No one else lived a life like his. No one ever invented a life like his, either. Not even close.
He is quite seriously — and demonstrably! — too astonishing to ignore, too unique to be legend. And as this groundbreaking book shows, using an approach to Jesus’ character not published in nearly a century, Jesus is Too Good to Be False.
It’s not just convincing for skeptics. Over and over again, believers who read it speak out and say it’s brought new life, new worship, into their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Readers Speak: How Too Good to be False is changing our lives!
Praise for Too Good to be False
“Tom Gilson makes a compelling case that Jesus couldn’t possibly be the product of near legends because he is quite literally too good not to be true. This might be the most surprising and refreshing book you’ll read this year!” — Lee Strobel
“This book takes a fresh look at the uniquely great character of Jesus, and finds in his greatness a new and compelling case for the truth of his story as presented in the Gospels.” — Josh McDowell
“Are you skeptical that anyone could present fresh insights about Jesus after two thousand years? Tom Gilson has done just that.”
“I may never before have made this comment in a recommendation, but this volume was a ‘fun read.’ I enjoyed it! Don’t get me wrong — Gilson’s responses hit the skeptical objections at which he aimed time-and-again, including many of the major complaints lodged against Jesus’ story.” — Gary Habermas
“I have never approached the gospels in this way and with Gilson’s guidance, I have come to love, respect, and worship Jesus with renewed vigor and insight. Honestly this book must be in your library.” — JP Moreland
“Too Good to be False takes a fascinating look at the human character of Jesus, uncovering fresh insights for believers and skeptics to see the Jesus’ story is not simply a story — it’s truly, truly too good to be false. — Eric Metaxas
Are you skeptical that anyone could present fresh insights about Jesus after two thousand years? Tom Gilson has done just that. … Too Good to be False not only gets you to say “wow!” about the most influential life in human history, but also helps you realize how feeble the arguments against the biblical Jesus are. I think you’ll thoroughly enjoy this easy-to-read and hard-to-refute case. — Frank Turek
Too Good to be False meaningfully contributes to the world’s apologetics library by affirming in a creative new way that Jesus was the most brilliant, loving, world-changing leader in history. — Jeff Myers