How Your Church Can Thrive in This Strange New World We Live In
You may have seen the signs, or maybe you have one installed at your own church for people to see as they exit: "You are now entering the mission field." It's a true saying, and well worth bearing in mind ...

An Open Letter with Eight Hard Questions for Progressive Christian Apologist Randal Rauser
Dear Mr. Rauser, You and I have been trading videos, articles, and tweets over the past several weeks. The latest round, other than tweets I've sent, and which you haven't answered, was your video criticizing my Stream article about you ...
Follow-up on My Exchange with Randal Rauser
Last week I got involved in what I would have hoped to be a dialogue with Randal Rauser regarding a handful of tweets he'd put up on Twitter. It turned out to be pseudo-dialogue, with him refusing or abstaining from ...
How Not to Do Apologetics: Dark Example from the ‘Tentative Apologist’ Randal Rauser
A video from the self-styled "Tentative Apologist" Randal Rauser has roused me to wake up this website again. I think he thinks he's defending progressive Christianity. I'm no progressive Christian myself, but if I were, I would ask him to ...

The Very Alien Question of Marriage (from The Stream’s Pastors’ Corner)
(Also published at The Stream.) What is marriage? What is it for? Why does marriage matter? Ten years ago, those were the hottest questions on the planet. Now they’re ... nothing. No one even asks anymore, at least not in ...

Find Your Authentic Self, or Find an Authentic View of God?
Everyone's in a rush to find their "authentic self." We're going about it the wrong way, though. We find our true selves by giving up false gods and finding the true God. We've missed his reality, however. Even Christians have, ...

2021 in Review: God Shows Up in Spite of All
I’m writing this during the winter storm of February 3, 2022. So far it’s turning out less disruptive than what we’d prepped for, when earlier forecasts had said we could get nearly half an inch of freezing rain. That would ...

Pastors’ Equipping Series: Sample Sermon on Christian Exclusivism vs. Pluralism — Christmas Themed!
Christians aren't supposed to say we have the one truth, right? So goes the opinion around our culture, anyway. We're supposed to be "humble" about our beliefs; to give equal worth and respect to all other beliefs. That's what culture ...

Ministry Update: God at Work Through the Cincinnati-Dayton Area Apologetics Fellowship
The Apologetics Fellowship at a special-invite luncheon with conference speaker Alisa Childers. It’s time for an update on ministry, especially for prayer and financial supporters. It’s time, too, for thankfulness to God and to you, because I am seeing my ...

Pastors’ Equipping Series: Sample Sermon on the Faith-Science Challenge (Special Focus on the Virgin Birth)
Faith vs. Science: It feels like David approaching Goliath, with no sling and no stones. Or at least, that's the way a lot of people want us to feel it. As pastor, you know there's pressure on Christians to deny ...